Junior – Arlo Chenard
When Arlo first started Muay Thai his dad had some
concerns about whether he would stick with it.
However, a few months down the line Arlo is still here,
showing his dedication and love for the classes. Arlo’s
confidence is noticeably improving and it’s shining
bright through his training. We’re incredibly proud of
Arlo’s progress and the positive attitude he brings to
every session. Keep up the fantastic work, Arlo!
Adult – Steven Utberg
Steven recently participated in his first BJJ
tournaments Middle Ground and the NQ Cup,
showcasing his courage and dedication. He
consistently brings a positive attitude to every session
and gives his all. Steven’s commitment to his training
and his uplifting presence make him a joy to have in
our community. Congratulations Steven on this
well-deserved recognition!
Australian National Jiu Jitsu Championships
6 National Champions! The Australian National Jiu Jitsu Championship was held in Melbourne over the weekend and saw...